Support Life-Changing Sexual Health in Tampa Bay
The EPIC Sexual Health Center will be a safe, stigma-free space that will provide testing and treatment, education, support, and resources to empower people to achieve better health and make informed decisions regarding their sexual well-being. Access to timely and quality STI diagnostic and treatment services is essential to assure the sexual and reproductive health of at-risk persons and to prevent STI and HIV transmission in the community.
The Center expands EPIC’s continuum of care by offering pregnancy testing/referral; birth control/prophylactics; all STI testing to including: HIV, HEP C, HPV, syphilis, herpes and gonorrhea; rapid testing and blood panels; STI treatment services, partner notification services; PreP (including telePrEP) prescriptions; educational services and workshops on topics such as safer sex, effects of drugs and alcohol on decision making and LGBTQ+ health. Click for more information about EPIC.
Your Gift Helps Turn EPIC’s Vision into Reality
Every donation strengthens the sexual health of our community. Join us in our mission today. Choose a donation amount below and see just how much your help can make a difference.
Help Us Reach Our
Goal of $800,000
Donate Today.
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Learn more about naming opportunities and multi-year pledges by calling Karen Van De Putte, Suncoast Hospice Foundation’s Director of Philanthropy at (727) 523-3422 or email to: KarenVanDePutte@EmpathHealth.org.