Joy Winheim is the President of EPIC (Empath Partners in Care), a member of Empath Health, steering the recently-expanded agency that combined the HIV expertise and compassionate care of ASAP (AIDS Service Association) and Francis House. For over 20 years Winheim has worked in a variety of capacities serving the HIV community in Tampa. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in social science from
St. Thomas Aquinas College.
Leadership Team

Dave is responsible for the billing and contract management pieces (reporting, capturing demographic and utilization) of EPIC’s various grants and social services funding streams.

Sheryl provides direct supervisory support to case management and supportive services in Pinellas County.

Victoria provides direct supervisory support to case management and supportive services in Hillsborough County.
Board of Directors
Craig Bryant, Chair
Karen Goforth, Vice Chair
Charlotte Noble, Secretary
Ryan Memoli, Treasurer
David Buby, D.O.
Frank Roder
Julia McGinty
Deborah D. Figgs-Sanders
Joan Christie, MD
Jonathan D. Fleece, President and CEO