Assistance and Guidance
HIV care is often a significant expense for many people. Paying for such costly treatment is an even bigger hardship for those struggling to balance budgets and get by with everyday living.
We offer a variety of programs to help bring financial relief, stability and better quality of life for the many clients we serve, including children, families and others. From our financial assistance for medical payments to our food and personal needs pantry for household goods to our children and families program for holiday and school-time items, we can be a support when it is most needed. For more information on Financial Assistance, please contact us in Pinellas County (727) 328-3260 or Hillsborough County (813) 237-3066.
Medical Copay Assistance
Daily care is vital to living a healthy life with HIV, and that care can be expensive. Our medical copay assistance and premium programs help with coverage of certain medical expenses for our case-managed clients who are working, have private insurance and are not receiving government assistance. There are no income requirements for these programs.
Clients are required to pay a minimum of $5.00 toward a copay for a primary physician visit. We will pay the following:
- Primary physician visit – up to $30.00
- Four sets of viral load tests per year – $50.00 each
- Four sets of T-cell tests per year – $55.00 each
- CBC labs – $10.00 each
- 75% of up to three HIV medications per month
- Maximum coverage of $2,000.00 per year
For more information on Financial Assistance, call us at (727) 328-3260.
Children and Families Program
Each year, we call on our community to come together to make life brighter during the holidays and school year for kids with HIV and those with HIV-positive family members through our Brighter Seasons for Children Program. Through generous donations from our staff, volunteers, families, friends and community, our program provides children and their families holiday food packages, gifts and parties as well as backpacks filled with supplies at the beginning of the school year. Children must reside in the homes of enrolled clients.
Donations are welcome and may include:
- Toys and other gifts for young children and teens
(“adopt-a-child or children” with purchases of specific gifts) - Cash gifts
- Food items for Thanksgiving and Christmas
(turkeys, canned vegetables or gravy, instant potatoes, sugar, maple syrup, marshmallows, etc.) - Backpacks
- School supplies
Affordable Care Act Enrollment Assistance
Finding health insurance is an important part of care. Our certified application counselors help clients enroll in Affordable Care Act plans. They assist with applying, selecting appropriate coverage based on needs and explaining tax credits and subsidies.
Emergency Financial Assistance
Emergency financial assistance is available from local agencies and other resources for our clients. Based on limited funding, one-time assistance with rental, utility, medical or quality-of-life expenses may be available for clients at our Tampa campus. Our case managers can connect and refer clients to the information and referrals needed.